Monday, December 17

Solving for x With Polynomials

Polynomial defined as the function p(x) of the form p(x) =a0 +a1x+a2x2+……….anxn. Where a0, a1…an real numbers and n is the non negative integer is called polynomial in x over reals.For example 4x2-7x+3 is a polynomial over integers. If one of the powers of x in p(x) is either a negative integer of a fraction (either positive or negative), then p(x) is not a polynomial. For example x+2/x  is not a polynomial. The highest exponent of the variable in polynomial is called the degree of the polynomial.. Here we are going to study about how to solving for x with polynomial and its example problems.

Solving for X with Polynomials - Example Problems

Example: 1

Solve for x in the following polynomial expression 3x+5+6x +7 = 3x+4

Solving steps:    In the left hand side combine the like term first

3x+ 6x+ 7 + 5 = 3x + 4

9x + 12 = 3x + 4

Add both sides -4 we get

9x + 12 - 3 = 3x + 4 - 4

In right hand side 4 - 4 will be cancelling

9x+ 9 = 3x

Add both sides -3x

9x -3x + 9 = 3x -3x

6x + 9 =0

Add both sides -9 we get

6x + 9 -9 = -9

6x = -9

Divide both sides 6

x = - 9/6

The simplest form is - 3/2

Therefore the value of x = - 3/2

Solving for X with Polynomials - Example: 3

Solve for x in the following polynomial x2 + 9x +18 =0

Solving steps:

First we have to find the factor for a given polynomial

We can write

x2 + 9x +18  = (x+3)(x+6)

These are the two factors the equation

Now we solve the both equation.

Both terms equating to zero we get

First x+3=0

Add both sides -3 we get

x = -3

Next term is x+6 = 0

Add both sides -6

x = -6

Therefore the value of x is -1,-6

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