Monday, December 31

Relational Algebra Notation

The algebra is a mathematical system that consists of operands and operators. The operand is a variable or value from which new value can be constructed. The operator is a symbol denoted the procedures of that construct new value from given values. The relational algebra is the operand variable that represented relations and operator is designed to relation in the database. In this below details about the relational algebra notation.

Symbolic Notation in Relational Algebra Notation:

The relational algebra is whose operand is variable that represent in the relations and the operator is designed to do the most common things that we need to do with relations in a database. The algebra result can be used to query language for relations. There are following as relational algebra notation.

Symbolic notations are,









Usage of notations in relational algebra notation:

1.      SELECT:

The SELECT notation represent in symbol as σ (sigma).The SELECT operation used to select the particular data details get in the database.

2.      PROJECT:

The PROJECT notation represent in symbol as π (pi). The PROJECT operation used to can provide itself to concision in the particular database.

3.      PRODUCT:

The PRODUCT is representing in symbol as x (times).The PRODUCT is performed combination of tuples in the data base.

4.      JOIN and UNION:

The JOIN is representing in symbol as |x|(bow-tie) and UNION is representing in symbol as U (cub). The JION   used to get particular data in that it has two tuples in restriction of their cartesian product based on the conditions.  The UNION is used to set the rotational attributes are same means at that data provided.


The INTERSECTION and DIFFERENCE have symbols as ∩ and – (minus). The intersection is used to intersection of two relations and provides the common tuples in the relations. The difference used to when applied to relations which first relation has in the tuple but in the second relation.
Example of Relational Algebra Notation:

To find all employees in department cs.

SELECT depname = cs (employee), becomes σdepname = cs (employee).

To find all employees in department cs called jack.

SELECT depname = cs ^ jack = jack(employee), becomes σdepname = cs  ^ jack= jack(employee).

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