Wednesday, June 5

Four Sided Polygons

If polygon has 4 sides then its represented as quadilateral.A quadrilaterals is generally mentioned as four sided shape.the following are the examples for four sided polygons,they are
2. rectangle.
Now in this article we are going to discus about the four sided polygons, but before that take a look at some example for four sided polygons.

four sided polygon

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Description to four sided polygon:

Let us see the brief discussing about the four sided polygons:
square has four equal sides. the following properties are used in square.


Area of the square :
A = a2
where a represents the length of one side.

Perimeter of the square :
P = 4a
where a is one side length value.
angle: all the angles are right angle (90o)
Rectangle :
The opposite sides of the rectangle is equal.

Perimeter of the rectangle:
P = l+w+l+w
where l = length
and w = width
P= 2l+2w
    = 2(l+w)

Area of the rectangle :
Area A = length and width
         = lw.
opposite angles are congruent.
opposite sides are parallel.
Length of diagonal is calculated by
d= `sqrt (l^2+w^2)`

Parallelogram has four sides, and the properties are listed below


Perimeter of the parallelogram
P = a+b+a+b
 = 2a+2b.

Area of parallelogram:
The are of the parallelogram is represented as
A = base * height
 = b*h
opposites sides are same length and also parallel.
opposite angles are congruent.

rhombus is a quadrilateral which has four sides, the properties are listed below.

Perimeter of Rhombus:
P = a+a+a+a
 = 4a
where a is side length of the rhombus.
Area of Rhombus:
The are of the rhombus is calculated by
A = 1/2 ab
where a and b are diagonals of the rhombus.
all the sides of the rhombus are congruent.
opposite angles are congruent.

Example problems for four sided polygons:

Let we see some practice problems for four sided polygons.
Example 1)
Find the area and perimeter of the square whose side is 5 cm
Area of the square :
A= a2
where a = 5.
A= 52
Perimeter of square:
p = 4a
=20 cm.

Example 2)
Find the area and the perimeter of the rectangle whose height = 6 cm and base =8 cm
Area of the rectangle :
A = l*b
where l=6 cm and
b= 8 cm
A = 6*8
Perimeter of rectangle:
P = 2(l+w)

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