In this article we are discussing about subtracting negative number by using calculator. Negative number also real number. The negative number is represented as minus symbol “- “. Negative number or elements are less than zero such as -4, -7, -/3. A negative number may be parenthesized with its symbol, For example a subtracting is clearer if written (-7) + (−5) = -13 Using calculator we can the negative number.
Negative number calculator:
Let us see how to negative number using calculator.
Negative number is the similar as subtracting the corresponding negative number:
Example: (-7) + (-7) = -14
Negative number calculator – Example problems:
Example 1:
(-3) + (-4) = ?
First enter the negative number in the calculator.
Then press the equal to button.
The solution is displayed on the calculator.
negative number calculator
The subtract solution is -7.
Example 2:
(-5) - (-4) = ?
First enter the negative number in the calculator.
Then press the equal to button.
The solution is displayed on the calculator.
negative number calculator
The subtract solution is -1.
Example 3:
(-4) x (-4) = ?
First enter the negative number in the calculator.
Then press the equal to button.
The solution is displayed on the calculator.
negative number calculator
The subtract solution is 16.
Example 4:
(-9) `-:` (-3) = ?
First enter the negative number in the calculator.
Then press the equal to button.
The solution is displayed on the calculator.
negative number calculator
The subtract solution is 3.
Example 5:
(-10) x (-20) = ?
First enter the negative number in the calculator.
Then press the equal to button.
The solution is displayed on the calculator.
negative number calculator
The subtract solution is 200.
Negative number calculator – practice problems:
Problem 1: (-5) + (-6)
Problem 2: (-4) – (-2)
Problem 3: (-9) x (-18)
Problem 4: (-5) `-:` (-20)
Negative number calculator – answer key:
Problem 1: -11
Problem 2: -2
Problem 3: 162
Problem 4: -0.25