Friday, May 17

Finding Orthocenter

Orthocentre is point of intersection of all the three altitudes of a triangle.

The altitude of a triangle is the line perpendicular from one vertex to the opposite side.

Steps to find the orthocentre of triangle ABC algebrically :-

1) Find the equation of any two altitudes of the triangle

The slope of the line joining the opposite side BC  is calculated ,

Then,  the perpendicular slope is then calculated.

slope of a line is `(y2 - y1 )/(x2-x1)` =  m ,

perpendicular slope is  `(-1)/(m)`

Given are vertex A and slope of line,

we plug the values in y = mx +b we get the y intercept b

The equation of the altitude is y = mx + b

Same way we find the equation of the other altitude

2) Find point of intersection of the two altitudes is the orthocentre of the triangle.

Steps to find the orthocentre of a triangle graphically:

1) First we plot all the points of the triangle

2) We draw two altitudes of the trianlge

3) The point of intersection of the altitudes is the Orthocentre

Examples of Solving Orthocentre

Find the orthocentre of the of the triangle ABC whose vertices are A(-2,-1) , B ( -1,-4) and C (0,-5) .

Solution:    {i) Equation of altitude AD which is perpendicular to BC

x 2 = -1, y2 = -4 , x 1 = 0 , y1 = -5

slope of a line BC is  `(-4 +5)/(-1-0)` =  `(1)/(-1)`  =  -1

slope of line AD is `(-1)/(-1)` =  1

Line AD passes through A(-2,-1) and slope m = 1,

Equation of line is y = 1x +b

we plug in x = -2, y = -1,  we get,

-1 = -2 + b

-1 +2  = b

b = 1

Equation of AD is   y = x + 1 ------------------> 1
(ii) Equation of Altitude BE perpendicular to AC

x2 = 0, y2 = -5, x1 = -2, y1 = -1

slope of AC =  `(-5+1)/(0+2)` = `(-4)/(2)`  =  -2

Perpendicular slope is  `(-1)/(-2)`  =  `1/(1/2)`  = slope of BE

Equation of BE is y = `(1)/(2)` x + b

B (-1,-4)  Plug in x = -1, y = -4              ,

-4   = -1/2 +b

-4 + 1/2 = b ,  b = 7/2

Altitude BE is        y = `(1)/(2)` x + `(7)/(2)`  ---------------> 2

(iii) Point of intersection of AD , BE

Solve 1 and 2,    x +1  = `(1)/(2)` x + `(7)/(2)`

we get (-9,-8)

Solving Orthocentre of Different Types of Triangles using Graphs

Orthocentre of a right angled triangle is the vertex which is the right angle.

Orthocentre of a an obtuse angled triangle is  outside the triangle.

For an equilateral triangle , the orthocenter lies on the perpendicular bisector of each side of the triangle.

Some graphs to illustrate the above facts:-

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