Wednesday, March 13

Tutoring About Correlation Coefficient

Concept of correlation:

Correlation is a method of studying the relationship between the two variables. In statistical analysis we come across the study of two variables wherein the change in the value of one variable produces a change in the value of other variable. In that case we say that the variables are correlated or there is a correlation between the two variables.

The formula for the correlation coefficient r can be expressed in the form,

r = `(sum (X - barX) ( Y - barY))/(sqrt(sum (X - barX)^2) sqrt(sum(Y - barY)^2))`

It is conventionally taken as x = X - X and y = Y - Y and hence we write

r = `(sum xy)/(sqrt(sum x^2) sqrt(sum y^2))`

The above formula is expressed in terms of deviations of the variables from their means. Instead, if the actual values of the observations are taken then the formula can be written as,

r= `(N sum XY - sum X sum Y)/(sqrt(N sum X^2 - (sumX)^2) sqrt(NsumY^2 - (sum Y)^2))`

Instead of the deviations from their means, the deviations are measured from the value A and B for X and Y variables by taking dx = X - A, dy = Y - B, the correlation coefficient r is given by,

r = `(N sumdxdy - sumdx.sumdy)/(sqrt(Nsumdx^2- (sumdx)^2) sqrt(Nsumdy^2 - (sumdy)^2))`

Tutoring about formulas for calculating correlation coefficient:

r = `(sum xy)/(sqrt(sum x^2) sqrt(sum y^2))`

This formula is used when deviations are measured from their mean.
r= `"(N sum XY - sum X sum Y)/(sqrt(N sum X^2 - (sumX)^2)(sqrt(N sum Y^2 - (sumY)^2))) `

This formula is used if no assumed average is taken for x and y series
r = `"(N sumdxdy - sumdx.sumdy)/(sqrt(Nsumdx^2- (sumdx)^2)(sqrtNsumdy^2 - (sumdy)^2)) `

This formula is applied when deviations for x and y series are taken from some assumed values.

Tutoring on problems on correlation coefficient::

Calculate the correlation coefficient between x and y from the following data:
x 1 3 5 8 9 10
y 3 4 8 10 12 11

x y x - `barx` y - `bary` (x - `barx` )2 (y - `bary` )2 (x-`barx` )(y - `bary` )
1 3 -5 -5 25 25 25
3 4 -3 -4 9 16 12
5 8 -1 0 1 0 0
8 10 2 2 4 4 4
9 12 3 4 9 16 12
10 11 4 3 16 9 12
36 48 0 0 64 70 65

`barx` = `(sum x)/(n)` = 36/6 = 6

`bary` = `(sum y)/(n)` = 48/6 = 8

r = `(sum(x- barx)(y - bary))/(sqrt(sum(x-barx)^2)sqrt(sum(y-bary)^2))`

= `(sum xy)/(sqrt(sumx^2)sqrt(sumy^2))`

= `(65)/(sqrt(64)sqrt(70))` = 0.97

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