Friday, November 23

Definition of Subset Learning

We come across set of different kinds in everyday life. A football team is set of players, a class is a set of students, a set of books in mathematics and so on. Basically, the set is an undefined term.  Anyhow, it can be a well defined  collection of objects. Here the word 'objects' has been taken in wider and broader sense. Mathematically, the numbers, words, letters, signs, symbols, thoughts, etc. all are the objects. Let us learn about a set and  definition of a subset in this article.

Learning Definition of a Subset


If each element of A is an element of B, then the set A is said to be a sub set of the set B.

Symbolically, we represent this by A `sub` B and read it as ' A is a subset of B'.

Thus A `sub` B `hArr` (  x `in` A   `rArr` x `in` B ).

If A `sub` B and A `!=` B then the set A is said to a proper subset of B.

learning examples of subset

1. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } `sub` { x : x is a natural number }

2. { a, b, c, d } `sub` { a, b, c, d, e}

3. Set of all vowels is a subset of set of all alphabets

4. A = { set of all integers}

B = { set of all positive integers}

B is a subset of A.

5. T = { x : x is a student of class 9 in your school }

W = { x : x is a student in your school}

T is a subset of W.

Definition of Subset Learning - Points to Remember

1. `phi` `sub` A ( since `phi` has no elements, it is a subset of every set)

2. A `sube` A ( every set is a subset of itself)

3. A `sube` B and B `sube` A `hArr`    A = B

4. A `sub` B and B `sub` D `=>`   A `sub` D

5. If A `sub` B, then x `!in` B `rArr` x `!in` A.

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