Thursday, September 9

collinear points

In this blog we will learn about collinear points.Collinear points are the points that lie on the assonant distinction whereas the non-collinear points do not lie on the assonant pipe.The erect blood can ever be haggard finished two points, so the two points are always collinear.A credit, on which points lie, specifically if it is akin to a geometric amount much as a triangle, is sometimes titled an alinement.We can use interval expression to chance out whether the relinquished ternary points are collinear or not.We will now see one example of square inch calculator,

1. Convert the area of 2.2 sq yards into square inches using calculator.


1 square yard = 1296 square inches.

2.2 square yard = 2.2 *1296 square inches

2.2 square yard = 2851.2 square inches

2. Find the area of 3 square foot in terms of square inches.


1 square inch = 0.006944 square foot.

1 square foot = square inches

3 square foot = square inches.

= 432 square inches.

3. convert the area of 25 square centimeters into square inches.In the next blog we will learn about statistics.Hope you like the above example of collinear points,please leave your comments if you have any doubts.

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